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Testing of a biofield... 25 % completed...


To the present moment enough ways of an estimation of a power condition were accumulated. Down to biofieldmeter: devices, on a definite scale determining your "status". On this I have decided to throw in patterns still couple of nonsense of the same kind(variety). Liked way of diagnostic: for definition of "quality" of your power engineering simplly smile. Do not search the cause, do not recall shabby jokes or histories with New Year's drinking. Simplly smile. If to you it is difficult(complex) to make - know: to you is above what to work. In a kind path(route). If the smile simplly and naturally occurs(comes up) on a face, accept(take) my congratulations - test completed. Also good way is the check on a luminosity. It is simplly necessary to bar(shut) of an eye and to see in itself, at glow of the power body. Than more brightly you glow - the better for you. In addition to this can enter any (allow(is permissible) to ten or hundred - ball) scale both to record and to watch your parameters(indexes).

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